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6 Brain Realities Every Teacher Must Be Familiar With

1.     Read loudly. Parents and teachers who read aloud and talk often to young children are endorsing brain growth.
  1. Bilingual brains. Children who learn two languages before the age of five have a different brain structure than children who learn only one language.
  2. Child mistreatment and the brain. Studies have shown that child mistreatment can change the way the brain develops and can negatively influence learning.
  3. Food and intelligence. One study looked at students and showed that those who ate lunches that did not consist of artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes did 14% better on IQ tests than the students who ate lunches with these additives
  4. Yawns. It is believed that yawning sends more oxygen to the brain, therefore working to cool it down and stimulate it.
  5. Brain growth. The human being brain carries on growing until about age 18.
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